Tina Thrussell feels honored to have guest, @Shirley Hill, on the next #LivingFromTheHeart show. Tina sees Shirley as the gentlest soul she has ever met. This sweet woman passionately dances her way into people’s hearts with her kindness, her pal, “Lemon the Bear”, and her deep love for fancy shawl and hoop dancing. Shirley has risen above intense emotional situations to see the best in life.
She passionately shares her love of dance and brings a sense of purpose to her life by educating children. She dances her heart out every chance she gets, which keeps her youthful and alive.
Tune in Wed morning, Jun 24th at 9am Mtn to be inspired by this wonderful soul. Join them LIVE (or watch the replay) on the FB page “Shin Dao – the Way of the Heart” at https://www.facebook.com/shindaoinstitute/videos/2857955504314004
Or watch live (or the replay) on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFhTbYEQoPA
While you’re there, please subscribe to our YouTube channel Best U Can B for access to more amazing videos!! Tune in LIVE every Wednesday at 9am Mtn at https://www.facebook.com/shindaoinstitute