Tina Thrussell, is honored to share conversation with modern sage, @Daksha Madhu, who blends ancient rituals and traditions with perspectives from physics, astronomy and sexuality to reconnect women and men with the sacred power in their bodies. As a producer of the Wolrd Tour of Meditation, Daksha is on a mission to weave a multicultural path for seekers who have outgrown narrow paths of religion and wish to feast instead upon a rich banquet of spirituality, world traditions and mysticism. Join these two heart-based women Wed morning, Oct 7th at 9 am Mtn to expand your horizons. Join them LIVE (or watch the replay) EITHER on the FB page “Shin Dao – the Way of the Heart” https://www.facebook.com/shindaoinstitute/videos Or on YouTube at
https://youtu.be/oRPGAtQEa3c Please subscribe to our YouTube channel Best U Can B for access to more amazing videos!!