Have you ever heard of a Highly Sensitive, Empathic, Intuitive Registered Psychologist who is passionate about healing and spirituality?? Tina Thrussell’s guest on the Oct 28th #LivingFromTheHeart show is exactly that… and more! Katie Turner is not only a professional in the mental health field who combines the worlds of western psychologlical approaches with Eastern healing approaches, she is a speaker, writer, workshop facilitator and mother to a busy toddler and a rescue dog. Join Katie and Tina LIVE for an inspiring conversation about living passionately and WHOLEly on Wed morning, Oct 28th at 9am Mtn… (or watch the replay) EITHER on the fb page “Shin Dao – the Way of the Heart” https://www.facebook.com/shindaoinstitute/videos Or on YouTube at Please subscribe to our YouTube channel Best U Can B for access to more amazing videos!!
https://youtu.be/oRPGAtQEa3c Please subscribe to our YouTube channel Best U Can B for access to more amazing videos!!